Title Preface 1
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V17. Notes of Narrations on the upper Okinawa Island from the village Virtue-Offer.
The chanter of narrations, Small-First-Son,
The lively sacred sake
Putting in graciously
The sacred sake guarding the world very much
To the worldly lord of Iron-Weapon,
The spirited sacred sake
Virtue-Offer, thousand villages,
Safe-Rich-Ancestor, thousand villages
Indeed, resound and be renowned
Even in Virtue-Offer,
Even in Safe-Rich-Ancestor
The army resounding to the lower land,
The force renowned to the lower land
Virtue-Offer, thousand villages,
Safe-Rich-Ancestor, thousand villages
The sun, untiring to see
In this fine day,
In this shining day
The stone walls of Name-Guard,
The looking-worthy stone walls,@@@@@
To the border of Name-Guard,
To the border of Name-Guard, coming
Open the gate
And let me enter
The grand official,
The demanding man, coming
Of the town Feather-Ground,
The well brewed sake, coming,
Of Hill-Union and Roof-Part,
The fine brewed sake, coming
The lord of Pleasure-Shallow is my brother,
Staying in the adoring sacred place
Letfs see often from now on
Passing the winding path to the beach of Name-Guard, @@@
In the sacred place of This-Difference-River,
In the holy place of Our-Part-Ancestor-River,
The spirited man River-Up,
As the man of the hamlet Deep-Inside
Loving woman Shine-Sun, coming
River-Up of the great town,
To the well-known shaman Beat-High,
Building up the town Feather-Ground
The Governor Lord
The consecrated mound castle gathering treasures
To the sounding shaman Beat-High,
The shaman Become-Loving of Source-River,
The spiritual consecrated mound
The Japanese warrior is like this
The strong-minded shaman Become-Loving,
The shaman Become-Loving of Source-River,
Going up to the town Now-Come-Virtue
Building up the storehouse Virtue-Full
The storehouse Virtue-Full
The storehouse resounding
The strong minded shaman Become-Loving,
The well-known hamlet Pond-Castle,
Donft die before seeing it
The well-known man Superb
See him to be prosperous
The sounding hamlet Pond-Castle,
The shaman Supple-Teller of Around-Door,
Beating the hand-drum Beach-Sounding
The shaman Depend-Hat taking pride
The broad minded shaman Supple-Teller,
The shaman Supple-Teller of Around-Door,
Smoothly and softly, rejoicing
The broad minded shaman Supple-Teller,
The parental shaman of Around-Door,
Take it easy, take it easy and take pride
The shamans of Around-Door,
In the big beach of Around-Door,
In the middle beach of Around-Door,
In the consecrated woods Safe-Use of Around-Door,h pushh,
In the consecrated woods like cliffs of Around-Door, gpushh
gPushh, escort wives
In this fine day,
In this shining day
The lord Two-Places of Around-Door,
The loving lord Two-Places
Looking at indeed,
Looking at really
Virtue-Offer, thousand villages,
Safe-Rich-Ancestor, thousand villages
As the lord of Around-Door,
As the lord Two-Places
Dried sea weeds are fine products
The way of our village,
The way of our town
Making the holy millet sake,
Making the sacred corn sake
In the well-known town Now-Come-Virtue,
This is the head Governor Lord of the land
May the hundred Governor Lord go together!
In the sounding town Now-Come-Virtue,
The well-known Governor Lord of Now-Come-Virtue,
The King Governor Lord under the world
The well-known Governor Lord of the sounding town,
In the well-known town Now-Come-Virtue,
Waiting for just the chosen Governor Lord
Ruling over to thrive
Making the world be prosperous
In the sounding town Now-Come-Virtue,
In the well-known town Now-Come-Virtue,
The consecrated mound castle filled with sacred sake
In the sounding town Now-Come-Virtue,
In the well-known town Now-Come-Virtue,
On the cape of Furnish-Shallow
Now on leaving
A lot of sacred sake protecting the world
In the sounding town Now-Come-Virtue,
The tributes of the manor lord,
Chanting the narrations together with rejoice
The tributes of With-Hope-Hard,
The official of Inside-Space,
The great official
gE, ke.h be proud
The hills around,
The mounds around
Planting mulberry trees,
Planting cherished trees
Making the hand-drum,
Making the resounding hand-drum
To the shaman of Force-Reason-Guest,
To the shaman Bright-Endure
Piling up stones beautifully
Making stone hammers,
Making iron hammers
The well-known shaman Beat-High,
Staying in the sanctuary Plant
The sounds of the hand-drum
Wishing to listen
The sounding shaman Beat-High,
Staying in the sanctuary Pleasure-Port-Space
The man named Lord-Son-Loving of This-That-Name,
The man named Lord-Son-Loving of the grand town
The man named Young-Pine-Tree is rejoicing
The man named Compare-Roof-Virtue of the consecrated mound Middle
Going up to the consecrated mound
The head, the consecrated mound Middle,
Going up to the consecrated mound Middle
In the well-known town Now-Come-Virtue,
The shaman Depend-Good-Long with the eagle feather
In the sounding town Now-Come-Virtue,
The chanter Shine-Sun taking rhythms,
Clapping hands
Dancing beautifully
The loving chanter taking rhythms,
The chanter Shine-Sun taking rhythms,
This is the rhythm of the narrations
The loving chanter taking rhythms,
The loving chanter Shine-Sun-Think,
As my love
May she beat and shine!
Thinking, thinking and loving woman,
The best dancer,
The shaman Depend-Good-Long with the eagle feather
Resounding to the town Friend-Ground
In the well-known town Now-Come-Virtue,
The shaman Depend-Good-Long with the eagle feather
In the sounding town Now-Come-Virtue,
The loving chanter Shine-Sun-Think,
With the good-looking Governor Lord
Thinking, thinking and loving woman,
The parental shaman of Isle This-That-Name,
Known to the shaman Push-Hat
In the sacred place
Piling up treasures to present
The parental shaman of This-Plane-Roof,
The parental shaman of the island
The parental shaman of Our-Pleasure-Roof,
The well-known shaman True-Root-Comb
Chafe hands for hundred times
The sounding shaman True-Root-Comb,
Our adoring parental shaman
Finishing the narrations of Hill-Pleasure-Lady,
Finishing the relations of Rich-Wave-Lady
The narrator Hill-Pleasure-Lady,
Looking out over in Isle This-That-Name
The town Now-Come-Virtue
Filled up with sake
The relator Rich-Wave-Lady,
Looking out over in Isle This-Plane-Roof
The town Now-Come-Virtue,
Today, the lord Up-Space,
Choosing the lucky day for the festival
As long as a hundred years old
The two islands of Isle This-Plane-Roof,
Selecting the happy day for the service
Around the cape of Isle This-Plane-Roof,
In the east of Isle This-Inlet,
The tributes of the country
The sacred sake, the true presents
In the east of the island,
We are staying in the island,
We are dwelling in the remote,