Title Preface 1
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V5. Notes of Narrations on Head-Town.
The King of Head-Town,
And the shining sun in the sky
Get along together
Loving King,
And the rising sun in the heaven
The King, the first man,
And the beaming sun in the above
The King, the high lord,
And the sparking sun in the upper
Since staying in Head-Town,
The King, the lord of land
For now, the upper and lower are resonating@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
After sitting in the castle,
Going up to the hallowed woods of Head-Town
The day breaking
The sun shining
Ascending to the hallowed woods of True-Stone,
The hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Our parentsf town
Enjoy and flourish
As many as the happy days,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
So many as the shining days
Building the hallowed woods of Head-Town and True-Stone,
Giving the rhythm that guards the promised world
Piling up from the ground and base,@@
Heaping up highly and widely,@
The child of the sun staying in Head-Town,
Building up the glittering stoned walls
The castle filling with jewel and gold
The son of the sun sitting in the castle
Making up the beaming stoned wall
Building the hallowed woods of Head Town,
How beautiful it is!
The world of the upper and lower
Getting along with the castle
Making the hallowed woods of True-Stone,
What beauty it has!
The work of the carpenter Son- Gold,
Resounding as far as the heaven
The hallowed woods of Head-Town
A lot of gold coming to
The work of the carpenter Son-God,
Resonating so far as the paradise@@@
Well-known Governor Lord,
Building up the gate Luck-Fountain
The key to make the upper and lower in order
Give it to put in
Sounding Governor Lord,
Well-known Governor Lord,
Opening the gate Red-Paddy
Gods and the sun getting along
Enjoying and blessing@
Sounding Governor Lord,
Uncovering the gate Spirit
Worshipping the goddess Sisterhood,
Adoring the shaman New-Telling,
The loving lord Again-Blow,
Making rice
Staying in the heaven
Give good incantations
Esteeming the lord Scepter
Growing rice
Coming down aside from the heaven,
Raising rice
Spring out from the underground,
Cultivating rice
The thatcher of Head-Town,
Coming into the castle to see
How beautiful it is!
The thatcher of the castle,
The hallowed woods mound of Head-Town,
The sounding woods that guards the world
Give the worldfs luck and guardian spirit
The hallowed woods mound of True-Stone,
The hallowed woods mound of True-Stone or Head-Town
The high- spirited Governor Lords
The building Lord-Come and Beauty-Come are seeing-worthy
The shaman Full-Moon,@@@@@@@@
The high-spirited Governor Lords
The shaman Bell-Ring of the sanctuary,
Putting lucks in order
Our surpassing father chafing hands@@@@@@@
The shaman Full-Moon of the sacred
Mister Luck-Land of Head-Town,
The chief of good dancers
How novel today is!
In this fine day,
In this shining day
Tributes from the bay of Our-Thank,
Presents from the bay of Our-Inside
The King Long-Safe in Head-Town,
The great King
Worthy of the shamans
The King Long-Safe in the Castle,
The plaza Look-Up in Head-Town
Making the building Sake-Come and Spirit-come
The square Look-Up in the castle,@@@
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Loving King Long-True
Under the sky
Great King like the sun
Sitting in the hallowed woods of True-Stone,
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Holding the spirit that protects the world
Sun-God supporting
May the world live long!
Sitting in the hallowed woods of True-Stone,
Guarded by the shaman Shine-Cloud,
Stand by to abate the wind,
To the possessed woman Shine-Cloud,
To the medium woman Shine-Cloud,
Making the horse leaders abide by,
Exceeding than the ancient times,
Surpassing than the far past,
Putting the upper and lower in order,
Getting the separating islands along,
Arranging the world under the sky properly,
Just Sun-God telling
The good carpenters in Head-Town,
Building up the beautiful castle
King Long-True surpassing in the world
Stay ten hundred times
The fine carpenters of the Castle,
Making up the spiritual castle
Adoring Holy Lady,
Esteeming the shaman Push-hat,
Revering the head shaman,
The elders of the town Now-Come-Virtue,
The proud invitations
The shaman Land-Hat shining
The grand lord of the world, Governor Lord
For ten hundred ends
Rule over the people
The parental shaman of the hallowed woods Cloud-Child,
Coming down to the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Going down to the hallowed woods of True-Stone,
Adoring Sun-God,
Esteeming Moon-God,
Worshipping shamans,
The hallowed woods mound of Head-Town,
The hallowed woods mound of the fair land
For ten hundred ends
Stay long for ten hundred years
The hallowed woods mound of Head-Town,
The hallowed woods mound of the golden country
Born as a King like jewel,
Building the hallowed woods of Head-Town
Give the war spirits of upper and lower
Born as a fair, loving King,
Making the hallowed woods of True-Stone
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Born as a King like the sun
The fair shaman Float-Rope,
Coming down to the hallowed woods of Head-Town@@
The spirit that guards the world
Give to King Long-True
Sounding shaman Float-Rope,
Going down to the hallowed woods of True-Stone
When the shamans stand by,
The jewelry coming to
While the shamans abide by,
The gold drawing near
Born as a King like jewel,
Born as a fair, loving King
Gods and people getting along together
Joining with pleasures
The grand lord of the green sanctuary,
The grand lord of the loving sanctuary
Coming down to the isle Give-Debate,
Giving spirits to the people
The grand lord, King Long-Faith,
The spiritual Governor Lord protecting the world
Under the sky
Give and give the spirits
Well-known King ruling over the country,@
The spiritual Governor Lord supporting the public
Beginning in the ancient times,
The hallowed woods mound of Head-Town
Comparing it to the inside of the paradise
Starting in the far past,
The hallowed woods mound of True-Stone
The true works of the Heaveners,
Building the hallowed woods of Head-Town
Making and making
Give to King Long-True
The fair crafts of the Paradisers,
Making the hallowed woods of True-Stone
The Heaveners,
Making Okinawa Island eternally
The descendant of King Great-Ancestor
Give to King Long-True
The Paradisers,
Building Okinawa Island@@
The words of the Heaveners,
Coming down to this Okinawa Island
May King Long-True stay long!
The telling of the Paradisers,
Going down to the Great Island
Choose up the lucky flower,
Donft put rusty
Pick up the propitious bloom,
Donft get dusty @
The narrations of the chanter Pan-Barrel,
As long as hundred times changing
May they resonate really!
The relations of the reciter Pan-Barrel,
The narrations of the chanter Pan-Barrel,
Making up the castle and the palace
The beauty seeing-worthy for the upper and lower
The narrations of the chanter World-Hanger,
The house of the descendant King from Great-Ancestor
Stay long and wide in the world
The relations of the reciter World-Hanger,
The narrations of the chanter Noise-Maker,
Glittering like gold@@
For ten hundred ends
Narrate them to resonate
The relations of the reciter Noise-Maker,
The hallowed woods mound of Head-Town,
Glistening like jewel
Are there in Kyoto or Kamakura?,
The narrations of the chanter Noise-Maker,
The relations of the reciter Celebrate-Put
For ten hundred ends
Relate them to resound
The well-known castle and palace,
The sounding castle and palace
Conducting the spinning wheel,
Connecting them with a silk rope
Our golden castle,
Giving with pleasures
Outshining to the end
Live long for ten hundred years
The hallowed woods mound of Head-Town,@@
Presenting with delights
Offering with glees,
Minds becoming calm
The depending man Mid-Hill,
Than a hundred Governor Lords
Surpass in the mind
The counting man Tribute-Succeed,
The depending man Mid-Hill,
The counting man Tribute-Succeed
The Governor Lord like King Long-Think-Success@@@@@
The King like the sun staying in Head-Town,
Loving King like the sun
The lords of a hundred towns staying,
Protecting the world
Sitting in the beauty,
Wanted to see
Mid-Hill coming to,
Tribute-Succeed drawing near
Animate the capital castle of Head-Town
With collecting tribute,
With gathering presents
Here comes Mr. Mid-Hill,
Here comes the tax collector
Tell to the Governor Lord to thrive
Narrations of the chanter Hill-Good-Dog-Child,
Narrations of the reciter Rich-Wave-Dog-Child
Thinking of the chanter True-Stone-Iron,
Keeping them in the mind
Narrations of chanter Red-Cut,
They are truly said
Adore ten hundred times
Let them shine
In the beginning of the year,
Holding celebrations
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
King Long-True surpassing in the world
Sitting in the hallowed woods of True-Stone,
King Long-True outshining in the globe
Counting for hundred years,
King Long-True exceeding in the time
Our chanter Red-Cut
She speaks right
Live long and wide in the world
In the opening in the year,
Having feasts
Narrations of the chanter Red-Cut,
In the hallowed woods Safe-Ask
Give the clean water that protects the world
In this fine day,
The narrations of the chanter Red-Cut,
The relations of the reciter Red-Cut
The loving child
Live a hundred years
In this fine day,
In this shining day
Since the descendant of King Great-Ancestor,
As the successor of the sun
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Sitting in the hallowed woods of True-Stone
The narrations of the chanter Isle-Tail,
They are really told
Stay as long as the earth and the heaven exist
The relations of reciter Isle-Tail,
The loving child of the Governor Lord,
Which Governor Lord can it be compared?
Our chanter Red-Hill-True,
Her words are correct
Being the King
Stay a hundred years
Our reciter Base-Hill-True,
Our chanter Red-Hill-True,
Her mouth is honest
Appeasing a hundred Governor Lords
Noble for having spirit
Our reciter Base-Hill-True,
Since giving birth to the spirit child,
My body getting refreshed
The life of the sun
And the life of god are given
As having lovely child,
The narrations of the lovable chanter Land-Head,
The sleeved skin and the heart
Cared really by servants
The relations of the affectionate reciter Land-Head,
The relations of the loving chanter Land-Head,
Excellent Land-Head
Under the world
Resonate truly
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Adorable King Long-True
Sitting in gracefully,
Topping on elegantly
The narrations of the chanter True-Road-Mind
The spiritful mouth is virtuous
For ten hundred ends
Live ten hundred years
In this fine day,
In this shining day
Revering the shaman Grand-Lord,
Esteeming the shaman Land-Guard
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
King Long-True surpassing in the world
The narrations of the chanter True-Road-Mind,
Since they are right
As the descendant of King Great-Ancestor
May the loving son live long!
In this fine day,
In this shining day
The hallowed woods of Head-Town,
The hallowed woods of True-Stone
The Lords of a hundred towns staying,
The palace of spirit existing
The narrator Repair-Lady,
What is she doing today?@@@
Nice, sacred wine
Is she busy?
For now
The narrator Repair-Lady,
Coming to Head-Town
Wide for islands
Broad for towns she extends
In front of the King
The face of the narrator Repair-Lady,
The visage of the Governor Lord
Lovable, remembering King
Liked by Governor Lords,
Cared by servants
The brilliant person Root-Stalk,
The excellent person Root-Stalk
Piling up jewelry
Looking at the capital castle
Asking for an old man,
Listening to an elder
Surpassing than old times,
Outshining than ancient times
The clean person Root-Stalk,
The pure person Root-stalk
Looking up birds
Raising eyes to eagles
Birds flying in the middle sky,
Eagles sailing in the clouds
Birds have minds,
Eagles have hearts
Having passed through the isle Long-Rice,
Having flown over the isle Pleasure-Space
The well-known shaman Push-Hang,
Coming down to the hallowed woods of Head-Town
As tributes of shamans
Give to King Long-True
The revering shaman Lady-Grand,
Going down to the hallowed woods of True-Stone
To five possessed women,
Coming down to change@@@@
To seven medium women,
Going down to thrive
Adorable King Long-True,
Spiritual King Long-True
The grand lord of the throne
May he protect the world!
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Loving King Long-True
Adorable King Long-True,
Spiritual King Long-True
Stay as long as the sun shines
Sitting in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Loving King Long-True
Adorable King Long-True,
A lot of Governor Lords are fond of sake
The seeing-worthy screen
The upper and the lower resonating
Spiritual King Long-True,
Adorable King Long-True,
Spiritual King Long-True
Esteeming and obeying Governor Lords and King
Donft talk nearby,
Donft chat at side
If you have wishes,@@
The mediums shall mediate
Adorable King Long-True,
Spiritual King Long-True
Come and ease your minds
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Loving King Long-True
The officials of the village Thank-Name near by,
The servants of the village Cross-Good-Spread side by
Adorable King Long-True,
Staying in the parental town Head-Town
For ten hundred ends@
It shall be the pleasurable world
Spiritual King Long-True,
Sitting in the beautiful parental country
Adorable King Long-True,
Spiritual King Long-True@
A hundred Governor Lords wanting to see the King
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
Loving King Long-True
Adorable King Long-True,
Spiritual King Long-True
For ten hundred ends
Tell this and resonate
The King like the sun staying in Head-Town,
The King like the sun sitting in the capital castle
Well-known Governor Lord,
Staying in the east
Stay as long as the world exists
Sounding Governor Lord,
Sitting in the golden country
Well-known Governor Lord,
Staying in the hallowed woods of Head-Town
Well-known Holy Lady,
Calling the ship Seashore-Resonate
As long as the country stands
Sounding Spirit Lady,
Sending for the ship Seashore-Resonate
Well-known Holy Lady,
Sailing the ship around the seashore
As long as the land stays
The idea of King Long-True,
Putting the islands in order@@@
Building up the gate Welcome
To ten hundred ends
King Long-True
May he surpass to the end!
The words of King Long-True,
Adoring Holy Lady,
Worshipping the Kingfs sister,@@
Surpassing than the far past
Outshining than the ancient times,
As the spiritual King,
King Long-True,
Fond of the avenue of pine trees
Taking pride in King Long-True
May he surpass to the end!
To flourish extending family branches
The Governor Lords,
Fond of the avenue of pine trees
The Heaveners,
Making the villages
The Paradisers
Building the towns
King Long-True,
Getting along the islands with spirits
Governor Lords,
Putting the country in order with souls
The upper and lower going together,
Ruling over the islands,
May the sun and the king protect the world!,
The idea of King Long-True,
Building up the Main Road
Planting young pine trees@
Gods and the sun getting together
Taking pride in the world
The words of Governor Lords,
In this fine day,
In this shining day,
Adoring Holy Lady,
Worshipping the shamans,
Broad and wide,
Making up the Main Road
The idea of King Long-True,
Building up the temple Round-Awakening
Praying for
King taking pride in
The words of Governor Lords,
Adoring Holy Lady,
Building the temple Round-Awake,
Worshipping the shamans,
The upper and lower getting along,
The islands going together,
The sacred water of the temple Round-Awake,
Give to King Long-True@@
Stay for ten hundred ends and ten hundred years
The idea of King Long-True,
Planting the row of pine trees
To ten hundred ends
The seeing-worthy beauty for the upper and lower
The words of Governor Lords,
Adoring Holy Lady,
Worshipping the shamans,
In this fine day,
In this shining day,
As the King of spirit,
The narrations of the chanter True-Cutter,
Staying in the palace of spirit
Choose out tributes and sacred sake
Surpass to the end
Live ten hundred years
Holy Lady treating,
Staying in the palace of spirit
The great shaman serving,
Staying in the palace of spirit
Loving King Long-True,
Staying in the palace of spirit
Well-known Governor Lord,
In this fine day,
In this shining day
The narrations of the chanter Red-Light,
Known to King Long-True
Ruling over the country
Live ten hundred years
The relations of the reciter Red-Light,
The idea of King Long-True,
Planting the row of young pine trees
Adoring Holy Lady,
Worshipping the shamans,
Selecting the lucky year,
Choosing the happy month,
Resounding under the sky,
The idea of King Long-True,
Building up storehouses
Giving a hundred treasuries all together
The words of Governor Lords,
In this fine day,
In this shining day,
Adoring Holy Lady,
Worshipping the shamans,
The well-known port Parent,
The sounding port Parent,
As long as ten hundred ends,
The idea of King Long-True,
Accompanied by the treasury of spirit
The treasure of the upper and lower land
Piled up
The words of Governor Lords,
Accompanied by the treasury of spirit
Adoring Holy Lady,
Building up the storehouses
Worshipping the shamans,
In this fine day,
In this shining day,
Surpassing than the ancient days,
Being in the country of King Great-Ancestor,
Letfs rejoice
Letfs respect
Being in the world of Sun-God,
The narrations of the chanter Living-Flower,
The relations of the reciter Lord-South-Wind
Ten hundred times
May the Hundred-Villages-Ruler live long!
The loving lord in the heaven,
May all hearts of the villages get together!