Title Preface 1
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V9. Notes of Narrations on Dances.
Lady Swing or Lady Look-Worthy chafing hands
Outshining King stays beautifully
The hallowed woods of Head-Town or the hallowed woods mound of True-Stone,
The Governor Lords, noble lords, and the King,
The stone masons and iron smiths thinking,
Piling up stones and rocks,
Heaping up highly and widely,
The hallowed woods mound of Head-Town,
Build up like this
Excellent treasure
The hallowed woods mound of True-Stone,
The well-known town Beach-Guard,
Giving birth to the grand brother@@@@
To the well-known town Middle-North,
As a matchmaker
Like treasures drawing near,
As jewel coming together
Lady Spirit and Lady Good,
Keep good time to resound
Isle Long-Rice or Isle Iron,
The hallowed woods mound of Unite-Citadel,
Governor Lords and grand lords,
Lady Put-Hat and Lady Land-Guard,
The fair screen outshining beautifully
Resounding hallowed woods of Big-Town,
The noble, novel man,
The picture of running horses,
The picture of fighting bulls,
The picture of dragons-flies,
The picture of dancing butterflies,
The shaman Lady-Good
The shaman Lady-Lord
How outstanding!
A hundred escort wives,
Seventy escort wives
In the hundred,
In the seventy
A hundred storehouses standing in line,
Eighty warehouses in a row
Warehouses for attacking islands
Staying in the town Jewel-Castle,
The high officials treating
The beautiful town Jewel-Castle,
Coming down beautifully
The town Hundred-Name and Jewel-Castle,
Jewel-Castle of Governor Lords,
To the elders in the town Castle-Space,
To them in the sacred forum
Come down to take holy services, Gods
To the elders in the town Again-Luck,
Into Lady World-Come,
Coming down to hold sacred services
Keeping good time to resonate
Shall we dance?
Into the loving lady,
Going down to get holy services
Lady World-Come of Isle Long-Rice,
In the good ornamented armor
With plaited thread
Spiritful Lady World-Come,
Untiring Lady Land-Iron,
Coming down to swing
Worldly Lady Set-Up,
Looking at the Lady and the sanctuary,
Well-known Spirit-Lady,
King ruling over the world
Sounding Spirit-Lady,
Well-known Governor Lord,
Sounding Governor Lord,
Holy Lady,
The ship of Holy Lady
Sail with strong ropes
Lady Land-Guard,
The ship of Lady Land-Guard
Lady Spirit,
Well-known Lady Spirit
gAeke, yare.h
Lady Spirit,
Sounding Lady Spirit
gAeke, yare,h
In front of the Governor Lord,
gAeke, yare.h
In front of the grand lord,
gAeke, yare.h
The grand lord of the town Space-Root,
The great lord is good-looking
The seeing-worthy excellent lord
Gathering on the top mountain,
Coming to the top sanctuary
Your subjects are delightful,
Your people are enjoyable
The splendid lord coming across,
Looking at the handsome lord
The runner, Thread-Number,
Coming to, gHi.h
gGo away, runner.
Standing in front of him, gHi.h
The runner to the middle island,
gGo away, runner.h
Spreading arms, gHi.h
Untiring Lady Land-Iron,
Unwearied Lady Land-Guard
Donft mistake to perform dances,
Donft take an error in step
Letfs dance with novel performances,
Shall we dance with beautiful skills!
The upper and lower looking at,
The islanders putting eyes on
Bind-Long-Mind of the capital,
Bind-Rich-Wave of the capital
The wonderful, novel screen
The works of Bind-Long-Mind,
The crafts of Bind-Rich-Wave
The well-known splendid hallowed woods,
Loving shamans chafing hands
The upper and lower land@@
Go along together
The sounding great hallowed woods,
Well-known Lady Good,
Coming down to see beautiful dances
The feather of eagle is swinging
Sounding Lady Good,
The hallowed woods mound of Head-Town,
The hallowed woods mound of True-Stone,
The well-known town With-Hope-River,
Pure water of Sanctuary-Rope
Fountain water of worldly fortune
The sounding town With-Hope-River,
Sounding Lady True-Facer,
Heavenly Lady Set-Up,
To the hallowed woods mound of Isle This-Plan,
The ship Capital-Come-Rise
The swift ship controlling waves
To the hallowed woods mound of the great town,
The skillful craftsman Small-Elder,
Lady Put-Hat of Isle Long-Rice,
Lady loved by the lord
The building With-Hope-River that guards the world
Sounding Lady Put-Hat,
Well-known Lady Shine,
Treated by Holy Lady
Governor Lords standing in line
Sounding Lady Shine,
The Governor Lord of the hallowed woods of Head-Town,
The Governor Lord of the hallowed woods of True-Stone,
In the hallowed woods of Gold-Luck,
Noble lords gathering
Have pity minds together
Our father lord
In the hallowed woods of Safe-Valley-Roof,
Shamans in the village,
The ship of the grand lady
Leading and controlling waves
Men in Isle Pass-Good-Spread,
The captain managing
In the waves of the ports-mouth,
Passing the high waves
New wheat,
First wheat, a lot of buds
First helmsman,
The superior man
Catching turtles,
Seizing dugongs
gCatch themh,
gSend wordsh
In the middle of Roof-Compare-Long,
What sorts of people are there?
Holy Lady taking holy services for peace
In the middle of the sanctuary,
Taking the mouth of the horse,
Leading the bull on foot,
Lady of Long-Good-Wave,
Lady of Shallow-Name-Wave@
Sounding soldiers in the southern main island,
Renowned warriors in the lower land
Attacking the surroundings,
Assailing the stone walls
Assaulting the wooden gates,
Raiding the iron gates
Guarding the surroundings,
Protecting the stone walls
Well-known Lady Spirit,
Going on a journey with the mind in serene
Sounding Lady Spirit,
North wind blowing as it does,
The King of the Governor Lords
Waiting for his ship
Tailwind, tailwind blowing,