
Title Preface 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


V21. Notes of Narrations on two counties in Isle Long-Rice.



The gods of the ideal land Heavenerfs Sea-End,

Coming down to just the chosen villages

Chafe hands for a hundred ends

The gods of the ideal land Paradiserfs Sea-End,

To the chosen hamlets

To the sacred garden of New-Hedge,

To the chosen villages

To the divine garden of the ancestors,



In the consecrated woods of New-Hedge,

The shaman Supple-Endure chafing hands

Cherishing the hamlet Potato-Bake

In the consecrated woods of the ancestors,

The loving friends are dancing,

Gather to pray

The superior hamlet Potato-Bake,

Standing, sitting and waiting



Above all, the splendid shaman,


Looking at just the loving lord

The five fallen woman,

To the best loving lord,



The shaman World-Come and the grand lord,

The grand lord suitable for taking pride

May the prideful lord stay long!

The loving shaman and the grand lord,

The grand lord of Gold-Luck,

The grand lord of With-Hope-River,


The shaman World-Come,

The grand lord in the house gathering the sacred sake

Wishing to see the grand lord

The loving shaman,

The grand lord in the house gathering the sacred sake

The grand lord of Gold-Luck,

The grand lord of With-Hope-River,



The shaman World-Luck of Isle Long-Rice,

Dance and resound

In front of the Governor Lord,

In front of the noble lord,



The god of the ideal land Heavenerfs Sea-End,

The sake for hundred and hundred times

Wishing the guards of the shamans

Staying in the Heaven

The god of the ideal land Paradiserfs Sea-End,

Wishing the guards of the mediums



The well-known shaman Spirit Lady,

The sounding shaman Spirit Lady

Present every ten days

The well-known Governor Lord,

The sounding Governor Lord

The sun in the daybreak,

Rising and shining@@

The divine golden ladle,

The holy jeweled ladle

Hold the ladle,

Take the ladle



Pray, shaman Spirit-Lady,@@

Just the shaman Spirit-Lady

Pray for hundred times

Pray, shaman Lady-High,@@@@@@@

Pray for the Spirit Lady,

Pray for the Governor Lord,

Pray, men,

Pray, men,



The well-known shaman Spirit-Lady,

The worrying mind

Answer the mind

The sounding shaman Spirit-Lady,

The fine east wind blowing,

The fair tail wind blowing,

To the hamlet of New-Hedge,

Bringing the ten fathoms cedar,



The well-known shaman Spirit-Lady,

Gods and Buddha

Protect the present Governor Lord

The sounding shaman Spirit-Lady,

The inside of the fair sanctuary,

The inside of the fine sacred place



The well-known shaman Spirit-Lady,

The sounding shaman Spirit-Lady

For now and ever, may just the Governor Lord stay!

The well-known Governor Lord,

The sounding Governor Lord



The well-known shaman Spirit-Lady,

Offering prayers

Just Spirit-Lady suiting to the world

The sounding shaman Spirit-Lady,

The well-known Governor Lord,

The sounding Governor Lord,



The well-known shaman Spirit-Lady,

Having seen the untiring god True-Thing

Present the according villages of the country

The sounding shaman Spirit-Lady,



To the shaman Voice-Endure of Isle Long-Rice,


To the shaman Voice-Endure of hundred villages,


The morning calm coming,,

The evening calm coming,

Floating the ship Board-Beauty,

Sailing the ship Shelf-Beauty,

Choosing sailors on board,

Selecting mariners aboard,



The bright shaman Make-Up,

The renowned shaman Make-Up

Designing on

Resound by attacking

In the edge of the sanctuary Go,

In the edge of the sanctuary Come

Putting on the ironed helmet,

Wearing the ironed armor,

Holding the bull-painted shield,

Taking the colored halberd

Attacking the wooden gates,

Attacking the ironed gates



The well-known shaman Spirit-Lady,

For ten hundred ends

May the Governor Lord stay long!

The sounding shaman Spirit-Lady,

The consecrated woods mound of Head-Town,,

The consecrated woods mound of True-Stone,



The shaman Luck-Storehouse is shining,

In the capital castle

Present the rhythms of the narrations

The grand shaman is shining,

Going to the cape Far-End,

Going to the cape Sea-End,

Washing the gold,

Cleansing the silver,



Our father,

How is he doing? I wonder

Staying in the Heaven

Maybe taking holy services

The ship Come-Beauty,

The ship Come-Fill, loving

Our father,

As long as he chooses the lucky day

Our father,

So long as he selects the happy day



The fair men treating,

Coming down to the consecrated woods Come-Up

gDe.h May we resound as far as the Heaven!

The shaman Supple-Storehouse,

Treating the ship Bell

The fatherly sake,

The parental sake, loving

Hundred pots,

Eighty urns, setting up

In the Heaven,

Rolling up the jeweled screen

In the capital castle,

Rolling up the threaded screen

The words of the shaman Supple-Storehouse,

Come down to the shaman Depend-Good-Long