Title Preface 1
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V20. Notes of Narrations on the town Rice-Use.
The worldly lord of the town Rice-Use,
The divine seat of the Heaven
Just the divine seat of the Heaven
May the Governor be prosperous!
The worldly true lord,
The consecrated ground of Stone-Field,
The fine consecrated ground
Protecting the consecrated ground
The worldly lord of the town Stone-Field
Building up the consecrated ground
Putting away soldiers,
Putting away enemies
The narrations of the chanter World-Jewel-Lord,
The face is beautiful
For the long time
Hold the world
The worldly lord of the town Stone-Field,
The worldly true lord
The fair consecrated mound of Chafe-Figure-Virtue,
The fine consecrated mound of Chafe-Figure-Virtue
The divine hatched house in Sky-Top
Make the black-leathered armor shine!,
Comparing to the thread-braid armor
The fair sword being in the hamlet Wave-Compare-Good,
The fine sword being in the root land
The sword guarding the world, gE.h
The genuine jewel glittering
The fair sword being in the hamlet Luck-Ground,
The fine sword being in the root land
The consecrated woods mound Wave-Compare-Good,
Designing the stoned bridge
Just the god Good-Rising
Be prosperous with chafing hands
The consecrated woods mound of the root land,
The lord First-Son of the hamlet Hill-Inside,
The fine lord First-Son
The face is good-looking
In this fine day,@@
In this shining day
Staying in the hamlet Hill-Castle,
The fair spiritful Governor
The lord First-Son of the hamlet Hill-Inside,
The fine lord First-Son
May the palace stay a hundred times!
Building up the ship Village-Gather,
Making up the ship Hamlet-Gather
The lord First-Son of the hamlet Hill-Inside,
The fine First-Son
The best dancer chafing hands
In this fine day,
In this shining day
The moon sleeping with a pillow,
The sun watching over the world
The lord First-Son of the hamlet Hill-Inside,
The fine lord First-Son
The holy eagle pulling a hundred villages
In this fine day,
In this shining day
The lord First-Son of the hamlet Hill-Inside,
The fine lord First-Son
Fair dancing, novel dancing, looking-worthy
Staying in the hamlet Hill-Inside,
The fair spiritful Governor
Under the building Lady-Good,
In front of the building World-Pride
The lord First-Son of the hamlet Hill-Inside,
The fine lord First-Son
Going and coming to the brother
Rejoicing ten hundred times
In this fine day,
In this shining day
Coming to the well Father-River,
Coming to the well Cloud-Pure-Water
The lord of Hill-Inside,
The lord of high class
Come to beat, come to gather
The hamlet With-Castle,
Our parental land
The lord of Hill-Inside,
The narrations of the brotherhood lord
The rising shaman Full-Moon
She is so beautiful
Staying in the fortunate land,
The worldly lord staying in the root land
The lord of Hill-Inside,
The narrations of the brotherhood lord
Gathering the tributes of the north
And much more from the west
Gather to the front
Staying in the fortunate land,
The worldly lord staying in the root land
In the hamlet Hill-Castle,
In the fair, splendid consecrated woods
Making up the building Land-Gather beautifully
To the holy place,
Gods going and coming
Pyro-God falling down
The brotherhood lord First-Son of Hill-Inside,
The fine brotherhood lord First-Son
Filial piety
Cherishing children
gE, ke.h Take pride
With the lord of Big-Hamlet,
With the worldly lord of Up-Inlet-Shallow
The lord of Hill-Castle,
Shave! The carpenter Waiter
Shaving stones beautifully
Making the stoned hammer,
Making the ironed hammer
The lord of Hill-Castle,
Gods and people getting along well with pleasures
The first-class dancer,
The well-known hamlet Up-Hamlet,
Waiting for the relations
The sounding hamlet Up-Hamlet,
The well-known hamlet Up-Hamlet,
Forever, the expecting Governor
The sounding hamlet Up-Hamlet,
The loving lord First-Son of True-Wall,
Smiling beautifully
Facing together
The Governor of Big-Hamlet,
The cherry-blossom colored Governor
Staying in True-Wall,
The worldly lord in the root land
Conquer hundred villages to appease
Choosing the people of True-Wall,
Selecting the officials,
The port Naha,
Building bridges and roads
Passing the port Naha,
Stop in Rice-Hill
To the well-known town Big-Hamlet,
May jewels and iron sands gather!
To the sounding town Big-Hamlet,
The well-known town Big-Hamlet,
The well-known sword Build-Purple
Put on to be prosperous
The sounding town Big-Hamlet,
The well-known sword Build-Purple,
The Governor of Big-Hamlet,
The Governor like the shining sun
The loving Governor
The cherry blossom colored Governor,
The genuine-jewel colored Governor
The untiring shaman Lady-Lord
In the superb consecrated woods Gather
Unite the upper and lower land
The well-known town Big-Hamlet,
The sounding town Big-Hamlet,
To the well-known town Big-Hamlet,
The comma-shaped beads and jewels
Putting them through with a thread
Present to hold
To the sounding town Big-Hamlet,
The guardian sanctuary Summer-Seclude,
In the well-known town Big-Hamlet,
The holy dancing is looking-worthy
Resounding and outshining
In the sounding town Big-Hamlet,
Out of ten hundred people,
Choosing eight hundred people
The Governor loved by the servants of Big-Hamlet,
The shamans and the Governor
Please sit around
The servants of the lower land,
The sounding, consecrated woods mound of Big-Hamlet,
Catching well the eagle that guards the world
The shaman Put-Hat,
The eagle of the head shaman
In the middle sky,
In the middle cloud, the bird flying
Big-Hamlet is the town of sacred sake,
gE,ke.h May the world get well!
Big-Hamlet, the sake town,
The shaman of With-Castle,
The lord Brother-Surpass protecting
In case of the Japanese soldiers coming
The shaman of Land-Iron,
Resounding to the hamlet Our-Rich-Power,
The eagle colored horse
Glorify the spear with the eagle feathers
Resounding to the hamlet Beach-Cape,
The consecrated woods of Our-Rich-Power,
The sounding, consecrated woods mound
The shaman Supple-Teller
In every village, making a joke
The red ball,
The jeweled ball, dropping
The thief cat,
The hidden cat might steal
The fair shaman Root-Stalk,
The fine shaman Root-Stalk
Glorify the beauty
The official of Our-Rich-Power,
The sounding official
The beach side of Untiring-Garden,
Setting the screens,
Setting the mosquito nets
Inviting the Governor,
Inviting the lord
In the hamlet Plane-Good by the beach side
Dancing with beating hand-drums
Even the high lords and the lord of Plane-Good
In the hamlet Plane-Good by the beach end,@@
The worldly lord of the north,
Inviting to the hamlet Big-Hill
Shine with rejoicing
In this fine day,
In this shining day,
The narrations of the chanter High-Lord,
The dancing of the village is outshining
Looking at the secret gold
The relations of the lord First-Son-Love,
Staying in the sheer sanctuary,
The grand shaman of Roof-Good-Sit,
Watching over our soldiers
Resounding to the Heaven
The fair shaman of Roof-Good-Sit,
Sending spirited soldiers,
Dispatching strong warriors,